Jun 14, 2011

Holy busy

**Disclaimer: this is not an excuse for blogging although it is the reason(s) that it hasn't been happening for me.  I would promise that I will get better except next week is VBS at Warsaw First.  So maybe after that, I make no promises :)

So it's been a whirlwind at the Lyon house.  A lot of excitement and tons of Ministry going on...I get tired just thinking about all of the things we have accomplished in the last few weeks.

Last week I worked hard to get lots of stuff done at United Way because I was all set to take Monday, June 13th off for the arrival of Baby Harkenrider.  (I guess I can say her name now that she's here)  Well Sweet Madeline Sue had different plans!  I got a text from Leanne on Thursday night (about 9 pm) that she was getting ready for a c-section to deliver that precious girl.  I told Mike and his immediate response was, "So that means we are driving to the hospital?".  You got it Mike!  We quickly finished eating dinner, changed and were on the road in a few minutes.  It seemed to take forever to get to the hospital and we prayed and I giggled the whole way. 

She was a precious peanut and I was blessed to get to spend time with Leanne and Madeline at the hospital on Friday.  LOVE.HER!  (Madeline, that is well and Leanne, but in that order - sorry Lee she is just too precious!)

Then it was off to the races to begin the Lyon Graduation Extravaganza.  I hit up Wal-Mart on my way home and then picked up some pizzas and went to the church to set up for Katie's graduation party. 

The graduation this year was moved (due to snow days - thanks Indiana weather) and so it was held on Saturday morning.  I was all fine and dandy until Katie hugged my Dad (he's the President of the school board, so they were congratulating the students) and then I lost it, I turned to Mike and said, "Ok, I am gonna cry now."  I have heard people talking about how much they love their kids - I am so blessed to be able to feel that now with Katie and Ashley.  I was/am so proud of her!!!

Then it was off to the church to start the food for the party.  We had my mom and Linda (a friend from church) helping us get the party ready and refilling the food and drinks as needed.  Katie had lots of people come and visit her.  And she was blessed with some thoughtful gifts and money (which will help her as she gets ready for Ball State).  I realize now how close that move for her is, and I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it.  I am so excited for her to experience college, to grow and learn, but dang it - I will miss her!

On Sunday I am pretty sure I cried when Mike said it was time to get up for church.  In the summer we have three services at Warsaw First, whew it makes for a long morning.  But everytime I think about taking a Sunday off I get sad and I really dislike when my regular kids don't come on a given Sunday.

After church I took a little power nap and then it was time for bi-monthly grocery shopping :)  This time without Leanne :(  Although I got my Madeline fix afterwards cause Mike and I crashed their homecoming day party and held that sweet pea for a while.  Did I mention that I just love her?

OH, and I forget to mention in all the baby news, graduation awesomeness that another person in our family is on the road now!!  Ash got her license on Friday, it's great for her to be able to get herself around but also adds a little more gray hair to our heads.  Very proud of her!

Whew, ok I am officially tired :)  Gotta power through the next 11 days and then maybe take a little time to recoop.  Good thing God promises to be everywhere with us - cause we are all over!  Love it though and such good things happening, I can't help but feel SO.BLESSED.


  1. Hi Monica! I've been reading your blog from way over here in Scotland - really takes me back to hear about life in Indiana. So pleased to hear that all is good for you. Lots of love to you and your family and have an amazing summer. Think of us - we'll maybe get a couple of days where it hits 80, ha! And we'll be so surprised by a few days of sunshine that the newspapers will report on it. :)

  2. Hey Susan,
    It's so great to know that I have international readers, haha! :) It seems like so long ago that we spent the summer at Crosley! I am so glad to hear from you! Keep in touch, and God Bless!
